Are You Ready To Make Money Online Right Now? Great! Let's Get You Started...
From: Mackenzie Lee
New York, New York
Friday 9:17 A.M.
Subject: How you're going to make at least $150,000 this year from the kitchen table
Dear Friend and Business Partner,
Regardless of whether or not this is the Internet's best kept secret is neither here nor there...
And, to be 100% honest with you, I'm not entirely sure how you got to this website... but as luck would have it... you're here; and I can't begin to tell you what an important discovery you've made.
Maybe you arrived seeking a work at home opportunity. Maybe you just wanted to earn some extra income. Perhaps you stumbled onto it purely through chance.
However, you got here -- you have arrived at what is, undeniably, the most valuable website on the entire Internet!
But, let's get something straight from the word 'go' -- I'm not here to convince or persuade you that the secret to Internet riches can be found in something as useless and misleading as a 20 page E-book; far from it...
I'm sure you've encountered similar promises while browsing the Internet for a hard and fast way to make money online. And, I know that if you appeal to your own sense of intelligence you'll agree that the vast majority amount to nothing more than run-of-the-mill Get Rich Quick Schemes.
Luckily, there's a resounding difference between myself and the so-called 'experts'... and the explanation is as clear-cut as the words on this very page. However, be warned -- what I'm about to unveil may very well shock you...
99% Of Internet Marketers Don't Know Their Ass From Their Elbows!
That's right, the very 'gurus' so systematically intent on pedaling their unethical, sleazy 'secrets' to the gullible and misguided still can't grind out a profit.
For this very reason you must forget everything you've seen or been told about making money online. Erase it from your memory, wipe it from your mind; because the falsehoods you've been exposed to thus far are the precise reason you've been unable to succeed.
Let me put it to you like this... Would you take flying lessons from someone who couldn't fly? Would you allow a Doctor without medical credentials to operate on you? Would you even allow a mechanic with no knowledge of engines to work on your car?
Of course not ... and by the very same logic you would be unwise to heed 'money making' advice from someone who themselves does not make a substantial income.
Fortunately, my results speak for themselves (as anyone who subscribes to my newsletter will know)... The account below totals over $60,307...but how long it did take me? I mean, sixty thousand dollars is a decent chunk of change in anyone's book, and it wouldn't seem foolish to guess that it might have taken six months, maybe even a year to accumulate...Well I hate to break it to you, but it actually took just 14 days!....
That's right, in just 2 weeks I was able to craft a sixty-thousand dollar windfall of pure profit, using a technique so ridiculously straightforward that it's still overlooked by 'professionals' to this very day.
And, for a very limited time* only I would like to extend to a lucky few, the opportunity to lock-in the exact same genuine... guaranteed... and proven way to potentially earn thousands this year -- all from the comfort of your own home.
However, there's no need to worry -- I'll be guiding a few choice candidates through from start to finish, while teaching them everything they need to know to be successful. Also, let me make it clear that applicants require absolutely...
No Prior Experience or Technical Skills and Very Little Start-Up Capital Is Needed
And, I'm going to prove it...
So kickback, relax and study every single word of this letter, because what you are about to uncover is certain to dramatically change the way you live your life...
What if I could show you the precise methods used by me to generate an unstoppable stream of passive income 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year?
What if I were to take you by the proverbial hand and drag you kicking and screaming down the path to financial freedom?
What if I could give you no less than the exact step-by-step blueprint responsible for super-charging my savings account from a measly $143.69 to a balance-bulging $234,997 in little under 64 days?
You would reach out and grab the opportunity right? It's one of those RARE no-brainer moments commonly referred to as a win-win situation... you know the kind...
"Sir, can I interest you in a 50% discount?"
"Madam, if you're not completely satisfied I will personally offer you a 100% money-back-guarantee, no questions asked – remember, you have nothing to lose."
Allow me to tell you something... There is no 'What if' to be pondered... I'm going to take hesitation out of the equation and wager my reputation on your success.

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