Sunday, October 18, 2009

Cell Phone Cash

Cell PHONE Cash!

Attention: Online Income Seeker, Discover The Most Effective Step-By-Step Money Making System In Existence...

"Newly Discovered Cell Phone System Allows You To Tap Into The Fastest Growing Income Opportunity The Planet Has Ever Seen...

"In the next 8 Minutes I will show you undeniable proof that this system is real, legal and works for most EVERYONE who uses it...

"Guaranteed to work even if you're "un-motivated"...
In fact, it's best if you only put in an hour or so per day!

From: Mack Michaels
Date: Sunday, October 18
Location: Maverick Coaching Headquarters, 10:32am

Dear Friend,

I hope you have a strong stomach.

Because in the next 3 minutes you're going to see something that may really upset you, it might even piss you off a little...

It may even make you want to leave this page and never come back...

But I'll make you a promise right now - give me a few minutes of your time, hear me out...

I guarantee you'll be glad you did.

Because by the time you've read this page you'll understand the incredibly simple steps I've used to generate $6,279 in extra income every single day.

Are you ready?
Making Money is Easy!

Actually, wait, it's beyond that. It's ridiculously easy. And I'll tell what I mean in just a second.

But, before we jump into all the details let me clue you in on how I came across this incredible money making system.

My name is Mack Michaels and you may or may not know my name already.

I've been a fairly successful online business owner as well as a private business coach for the last 8 years.

But, there's one thing I want to make crystal clear to you right now.

I am not one of these online marketing gurus preaching unproven marketing systems and joke business opportunities that are made up on-the-fly to sell to the next naive person who stumbles across my web site.

In fact, I bet you and I have more in common than you think...

10 years ago I was frustrated with my job and even more frustrated with how painful it felt to not be able to provide my family with the life that I knew they really deserved.

If You're Working A Job Right Now, I Can Tell You Without A Doubt That Your Job Is A Heck Of A Lot Harder Than Making Hundreds Per Day With This Course.

For months and months I worked my butt off, buying and trying every system and course on the market, hoping that they would hold the secrets to my success.

I was dead wrong.

It took years to figure it out, but when I finally stopped listening to the gurus and struck out on my own I finally started seeing success in my life.

After another year I started making a six-figure income as an affiliate marketer.

If you're not sure what affiliate marketing means, let me explain. You simply promote other peoples products for a commission. It's an incredible business.

Then I started producing and selling my own products in several markets online. And after a few more years I'd built a multi-million dollar business on the internet that ran itself on complete autopilot.

And now I've come to a place in my life where I truly want to see and help other people achieve the same success I've had in my life.

It's incredibly rewarding to see a person (like you) who's experiencing the same frustration I did years ago, and personally show you the path to true financial success.

You may know of my Internet Business Coaching Club called Maverick Money Makers. I personally teach thousands of people how to start an internet business from scratch and take it to the multiple six figure level in mere months.

Over 13,000 people belong to that club and it's produced some phenomenal success stories from my students.

But, after spending the last year working my butt off to make sure that each and every one of those 13,000 members receives the absolute best training and guidance possible and taking personal responsibility for their individual success in all aspects of their online business I've come to a few conclusion...

First of all, I realized that if I truly want to make an impact in the World and help hundreds of thousands of people (even millions) I couldn't do it alone. There's just no way one person has the physical time and mental energy required to accomplish this massive goal.

So, I went on a journey searching for the very best marketing minds in the World. Out of the hundreds of successful marketers in the World I found 4 people who fit my qualifications.

These four people are self-made internet multi-millionaires and had great success as marketers. Most importantly, they also share my vision that in order to be truly successful you must first help others (like you) become successful.

The five of us formed Maverick Coaching and our goal is to release a new video coaching course every 6 to 8 weeks that will catapult you to success faster than anything else available anywhere on the market.

I also realized that the best way for me to help you isn't to teach you every single way to succeed online at once like with Maverick Money Makers, the coahing needs to be cut it up into bite sized pieces that you can use immediately to dramatically increase your personal income.

Think of a Ferrari. It's got all the fancy styling and beautiful lines. Gorgeous paint job and unheard of aerodynamics. But, without the engine it's not going anywhere. You've got to have the right foundation to build that beautiful car.

And that's where Maverick Coaching comes into the picture. It's the simplest way for you to start making money today in the fastest growing marketplace in the World.

No one is teaching the methods you're about to learn in this first video coaching course from Maverick Coaching.

You can get in on the literal ground floor of a 4,300,000,000 person market place right now (yes, that's 4.3 BILLION) and beat the competition to the bank!

And You're About TO Have Instant Access To This Entire Video Coaching Course At Less Than Cost!

More on that in a minute.

First I want to show you what this course is all about and how it is going to immediately jump-start your current online income.

About 6 months ago, I decided to start doing some serious research and figure out what the next "hot" market is going to be, the only way to stay on top is to always be looking for that little extra edge over the competition.

After 2 weeks I came across cell phones...

I'm not talking about actually selling cell phones or plans to people, let's leave that to all guys in the little kiosks at the mall.

What I'm talking about is using cell phones as a method to make quick and easy money.
I found that in an official press release that was written by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) who is the leading United Nations agency for Information and communication technologies, and has been for the last 145 years!

145 years, I'd say they know what they're talking about...

Right now over 61% of the World population uses a cell phone on a regular basis.

That's over 4 Billion people walking around with a cell phone in their pocket every single day. I don't care who you are, those are some incredible numbers.

Just imagine, 4 Billion people who look at their cell phone dozens of times per day. Can you start to see why I got so excited about this when I found out?

And the growth isn't going to stop any time soon. The market just keeps getting bigger. You can reach more people via their cell phone than any other media on the planet.

That Little Statistic Literally FORCED Me To Create The Ultimate Video Coaching Course For You Which I've Called
"Cell Phone Cash"

More people have a cell phone than have a television, computer, internet or anything else you can think of!

What if there was a simple way to communicate with that massive and constantly growing market?

What if there was a way to make money legally within this huge pool of cell phone users?

Those are the exact questions I asked myself once I made this initial discovery.

So I sat down at my desk, told no one to interrupt me, shut the door and jumped into a 5 day marathon mission to crack the code to making hundreds, if not thousands per day by tapping into the cell phone market.

Trust me, my family was not happy with me during this time, because I escaped to my "Loft Office" - which is where I go when I need to escape from any and all interruptions.

Curious what a "Loft Office" looks like? Here ya go!

There are a few simple sets you have to take when analyzing and attacking a new market:

Step 1 : Find a way to get your message out to the people who are looking for what you're offering.

Step 2 : Find the right product that you can promote to the people in that market for a commission.

Step 3 : Develop a method to present the product you choose in a way that motivates people to buy it.

Step 4 : Fine tune your plan and repeat it as many time as possible to maximize your earnings.

So I sat down and got to work.

Within a week I found several legitimate services that allow you to send messages to people through their cell phones.

These services have never been talked about by any of the top "Gurus" or Internet Marketing coaches.

I made double sure that they were 100% legit because the last thing you want is to use a service that's involved in spamming or any other illegal practices.

Then I jumped over to the Clickbank Marketplace in search of the right products to promote.

Read Now!!!

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